If it were not for the 72 million people who get checks from the Federal Government, the unemployment rate would be over 50%. Who would fuel the economy, Dummy? Add the city, county and state governments checks that people get to the Federal Government checks and surely you can see the importance of governments. Unless you are a Tea Party Terrorist who wants to bomb the foundation from under government programs, you can see clearly how important governments are. You can’t run governments like a business; they don’t make profits; governments redistribute money to people that keeps the goods and services flowing; goods and services are the things that have real value. If the Tea Party members would get hold of both ears and pull, they could see that goods and services is what has real value, not money.


It doesn’t matter whether the wind is blowing east or west the true value of a share of stock is worth the PE Ratio. Too much attention is given to the stock market as far as the economy is concerned. Wall Street is a gambling house, period. It is just a tug of war between the bulls and the bears that no one in their right mind should pay any attention to, much less the Federal Government.

Over 30 million small businesses filed a tax return with the IRS last year. These businesses are the bedrock of the American private enterprise system. They are the job creators while less than 10 thousand public traded corporations hoard their profits in cyberspace instead of spending them to put people to work or give the profits back to the share holder who the profits belong to. Screw Wall Street and public traded corporations.

The Federal Government needs to take the gold at Fort Knox and make loans directly to people who want to start a business that will employ at least two people. The only way to get a loan at the bank to start a business is have a credit score of 1048 and ten times the collateral that you want to borrow.

The Banking Industry controls the valve to the live blood of all businesses, and we call America
a fee enterprise system. We need to Nationalize the Banking Industry so money can be put wherever it is needed to create jobs.


The Tea Party Terrorist, the lackeys of Wall Street, and the creation of the News Media are about to drop their big bomb. They would take bottles out of the mouths of crying babies, food off the table of the aged and kick them out of hospital beds in order to give tax cuts to the rich.

Ignorance is no excuse. We taught the 9/11 bombers how to fly the 707. The Tea Party Terrorist needs no training. If ignorance were gold, the Tea Party Terrorist could pay off the national debt and give everyone on Wall Street another billion dollars.

Raising taxes on the rich has to be part of any sensible plan to balance the budget.

Tax the rich; give it to the poor; the poor will spend it; the rich will get it back with a profit.
Does the rich not know that all money returns to the owners of production and distribution?

Article 1, Section 8, of the Constitution gives Congress three ways to balance the budget.
The Tea Party Terrorist skipped Article 1, Section 8, of the Constitution when they read the
Constitution as their first act of Congress.