If the second amendment to the Constitution gives everyone the right to own a gun, why can’t you see that Article 1, Section 8, of the Constitution gives Congress the right to coin money and regulate the value thereof; to by-pass the private banking system (The Federal Reserve) and give money to the Treasury Department to fund the infrastructure and to each of the states?

Why can’t you see that the greatest power that was given to Congress by our founding fathers is the right to coin money and regulate the value thereof?

Why all the BS about the deficit? Why should the government pay interest to a private banking system for the right to expand the money supply?

Why do you not know that Nature’s Basic Law of Economics states: there are two kinds of resources, people and natural, from which all goods and services flow? Money is just a medium of exchange!

P.S: Why do you not become a candidate for the “Jewish Messiah?” The job is still out there for anyone to claim, you strike me as being the perfect candidate.

Article 1, Section 8, of the Constitution has the answer to all of America’s economic problems.

REACH JIM CARROLL AT 865-470-2610 Visit

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