There is a way, without raising the debt ceiling! Have you never read Article 1, Section 8, of the Constitution? Our founding fathers gave us a way.

Article 1, Section 8, of the Constitution has the answer to all of America’s economic problems.

Congress needs to create money and by-pass the Federal Reserve, and give the money directly to the Treasury Department to fund the infrastructure and give money directly to the states.

REACH JIM CARROLL AT 865-470-2610 Visit http://www.internetfreepress.com


You don’t need any advice from a foreign country. The advice you need is in Tennessee.

Our founding fathers gave Congress the power to coin money and regulate the value thereof; Article 1, Section 8, of the Constitution.

We don’t need to raise the debt ceiling to pay our bills. All that Congress needs to do is create the money to pay them. Congress can expand the money supply without paying interest to a private banking industry (The Federal Reserve.)

Article 1, Section 8, of the Constitution has the answer to all of America’s economic problems.

Congress needs to create money and by-pass the Federal Reserve, and give the money directly to the Treasury Department to fund the infrastructure and give money directly to the states.

REACH JIM CARROLL AT 865-470-2610 Visit http://www.internetfreepress.com


Mr. Speaker, just be a big boy and put up a clean bill for a vote. You don’t need President Obama to kiss your ass first.

Have you never heard of Article 1, Section 8, of the Constitution?

Article 1, Section 8, of the Constitution has the answer to all of America’s economic problems.

Congress needs to create money and by-pass the Federal Reserve, and give the money directly to the Treasury Department to fund the infrastructure and give money directly to the states.

REACH JIM CARROLL AT 865-470-2610 Visit http://www.internetfreepress.com


I don’t know where Ted Cruse went to Kindergarten, but his parents are entitled to get their money back.Ted Cruse is the epitome of ignorance. Terroism that America needs to fear most is ignorance.

Since Harvard doesn’t offer courses in Nature’s Basic Law of Economics and The Philosophy of Mixturism, it couldn’t be much of a college.

Why doesn’t America stop being a nation of bull-shitters and start practicing Democracy?

Article 1, Section 8, of the Constitution has the answer to all of America’s economic problems.

REACH JIM CARROLL AT 865-470-2610 Visit http://www.internetfreepress.com


Why can’t the majority of each party in The House of Representatives and The Senate design any bill they wish and get an up or down vote by the whole House of Representatives and the whole Senate?

It seems to me that I do not have a vote on anything in The House of Representatives by my representative. There are 435 elected representatives, of which each represents approximately 700,000 people. Why does only Congressman John Boehner get to decide what deserve to be put to a vote or not? There is no way that you can stretch your imagination far enough to see this as being Democratic.

Since I live in a state that elects two senators as all other forty-nine states do, why does Senator Harry Reid get to decide what the Senate can or cannot vote on? Who can see far enough to see any Democracy in that?

The House and Senate should at least allow each party to hash over their agendas and get an up or down vote by the 435 representatives, that represent all of the people on an equal basis, in the House of Representatives. Then also allow a vote by the 100 members of The Senate that represent all of the people on an unequal basis; this should be allowed since all of the states have 2 Senator regardless of the state’s population.

Why don’t we practice Democracy in America before we try to sell it to the rest of the world? We seem to get upset at countries, like Egypt, who can’t install Democracy in one day when we haven’t been able to do it in over two hundred years.

Why doesn’t America stop being a nation of bull-shitters and start practicing Democracy?

Article 1, Section 8, of the Constitution has the answer to all of America’s economic problems.

REACH JIM CARROLL AT 865-470-2610 Visit http://www.internetfreepress.com